Sunday, July 24, 2011

Have I done any good in the world today

For those who don't know, two weeks ago on July 19, our good friend Ken Selch passed away while hiking on the Pioneer Trek with our youth. He had a massive heart attack on the trail, only about 1 mile from the end. He was only 55 years old. When something like this happens, it reminds us all again of our mortality here on this earth. It causes us to think about what we do each day to make someone elses' life better. Are we doing the best we can to obey the commandments and do what Christ would do? Are we serving others? Are we living each moment the best we can? In one small moment we could be gone from this earth and meeting our Master, Jesus Christ. I for one know I need to do a lot more so that I can be ready when my time is up. We miss our friend and feel sad for his family, but we know that he is smiling down on them and will never leave them completely alone.