Sunday, July 20, 2008


I was reading in Alma 32 and came across some scriptures that really hit me in regards to Dennis and I's work situation. Alma is talking to the poor, whose afflictions had humbled them. He tells them that those that are compelled to be humble are blessed, but those that are humble without circumstances that compell them to be humble will be more blessed. I was humbled again as I realized we were some of those that were compelled to be humble, but I know that we will be blessed in some form anyway. So, for all you who are reading this, be humble without being compelled to do so and you will be blessed even more.
Reading the scriptures has brought me peace and hope the last few weeks. It is interesting because we were asked to speak in church 3 weeks ago and they asked us to speak on Alma 22:18 but I just couldn't get very much out of that particular scripture. So I read previous verses hoping to get what I should and I came across verse 16 which talks about hope. It then references to Ether 12:4 which talks about hope being the anchor of the soul and I just felt like I should talk about Hope. So I called the Bishopric member and ask him if that would be OK. As it turned out I had a lot of people come and tell me how much that talk had helped them and for 2 weeks after people were referring to it in lessons, etc. Little did I know that 2 weeks after I would really need my own talk on Hope. It has helped-- as has all your prayers and thoughts for us. If you have a chance read Alma 22:16 and Ether 12:4. They are some of my favorites now.
Love you all, Maureen


Brenda said...

Thanks for the reminder, I needed it, I often pray that I will be humble without having to be compelled and I have forgotten that pray recently so I'm grateful for the gentle reminder.

Unknown said...

I know that things will work out really good for you & Dennis. You are both great people and are doing what the Lord wants you to do. He will bless you!! I know He will! Thanks for the scriptures on humility, I think we all can be reminded frequently about it. I love you tons!