Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well I am officially depressed to wake up to the new President of the U.S. speaking. As I told Dennis, our country is now going to H E double toothpicks. I can't believe people in this country can be so gullible and taken in by the "movie star" power etc. If they think Bush was bad ....just wait!! I guess we all know it is even closer to the second coming of the Lord.


Brenda said...

amen to that

Korin Cuico said...

I'm ready for this new change. I think we need to be more optimistic than thinking the second coming is near. I feel if McCain would've ran a better campaign, picked a better vice president and did better in the debates, he might have had a shot to win or come somewhat close to receiving the 270 electoral votes he needed.

lqwakestud22 said...

I totally agree Mrs. Muaina!! What is actually the worst part I think, is this whole "he is the Messiah junk!" Satan definately has a hold on some peoples hearts! I do have to say he will definately bring CHANGE though, but is it going to be for the better? I guess we will just wait and see

The Croft's said...

I completely agree on every point. I've held back posting my feelings on our family blog because as I'm sure you've noticed--it just turns into a huge political fight between Beth and I. I know he'll "change" things but I think it will be for the worse. I just want these next 4 years over and done with. My fear though is that his changes will be so far left that it will take more then 4 years to change. I also think his VP pick helped him. I don't have any conservative friends who had anything good to say about him till Palin joined the ticket.