Monday, January 26, 2009

Hot time in the old town!

Just wanted to chime in on the celebration last Sat. We were very fortunate to be there to enjoy everybody's company but more importantly to share in the joy of Dad's, grandpa's and great-grandpa's birthday. I for one, miss being able to call and talk with my parents whether or not I'm having a bad day or a good day. When they were alive, I treasured each and every moment that I had with them, whether a simple touch or words over the telephone like, "hi son..." followed by whatever was on their mind or where ever the conversation would take us because I knew that those moments would not last for long. They were joyous when we were joyous and were saddened when we were saddened. So I pray that there will be many happy returns and I must say to everybody, Maureen, Brenda and Lisa can continue to sing "fast" songs! Who am I? Randy Jackson????!!!!!

1 comment:

Jenny and Jared said...

It was great to see you guys!