Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Not to be left out!

I guess it's safe to say that we're getting snow down here! It was expected but the amount was kinda iffy...the iffy part has been answered! There are sooo many people who don't know what to do in snow conditions, consequently, the traffic is absolutely snarled and jacked to where nobody can move without getting too close to one another!! The school district closed down all after school activities, all parent teacher conferences and anything else that would keep people at the schools any longer than is necessary. There are no snow plows in the valley because Las Vegas is a sunny who needs any such equipment?? It will be interesting to see the morning news and how they treat this storm which, by the way, is supposed to last well into tomorrow morning!!! I guess the next big piece of news is that I am officially legit with the business. We obtained our business license Monday afternoon...the business name is titled, JADE Services...JADE is an acronym for my partner's and my name....Jon And Dennis Exclusive Services. We are excited to get going and hope to be able to lauch officially by the last week of December! It has been a pretty long haul just getting going because of the tight budget that we have been operating on. We're keeping our fingers crossed and our knees constantly on the floor. We'll keep everybody posted as the days and the next few weeks go by. I guess the worst that could happen is that we could show up at one of your doorsteps with sleeping bags and suitcases looking for a place to stay!!! Then we'll really see how thick blood is!!!!!!!


HBC said...

I can't believe it! I mean I heard it on the news but wow! Glad you are enjoying a white Christmas just like us!

Brenda said...

That cracks me up. . .our roads are completely snowpacked it has snowed and snowed and our schools don't close down anything for anything. If it snows 12 consecutive inches in one storm they may consider it. Congrats and the business we're excited for you I think you'll do great!

Day by Day Design said...

That is so fun! Dangerous, but so fun!! I had no idea you started a company, I must have missed that post. I wish you the best of luck! We will keep you in our prayers.

Day by Day Design said...

I just realized I didnt specify... the snow is dangerous but fun.

Jamie said...

here's our new blog address