Sunday, June 15, 2008


We've been reminded of what it is to be an example, knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. When Maureen and I were young and having young children in the home we would try to do our best to teach the right things to do, try to teach the gospel principles and mostly how to be good persons. The other day, unkowingly we were in the living room after having dinner and just relaxing. Grandma rested her legs up on the ottoman and then comes this little person, Kaile, out of nowhere and copies grandma!!! We just laughed our heads off!!!

And then the stark reality hit us like a ton of bricks! We had better watch what we do and what we say because there are little minds that are following us. When we least expect it, when we think there is no audience and when the roar of silence is deafening our example will be what is noticed and copied whether we like it or not. Much like to story that President Hinckley told of when looking for a car to buy he walked up to a car and kicked the tire and noticed that his son did the exact same thing...he walked up to it and kicked the tire. Our best teaching, likewise, will sometimes be the way we do things, the way we say things and the way we live. You can rest assure that little people are watching. Father's, most of all, happy father's day and secondly, be a good father!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day! We hope you have a wonderful day! We are very grateful for you and all you do for us and the rest of the family. Love, Derek and Rebecca